Visual Resources Outreach: Successes and Challenges in a New Role

  • Heather Kline University of New Mexico, Bunting Visual Resources Library
Keywords: outreach, marketing, universities, collaboration, social media, instruction


More than ever, visual resources are intrinsic to the teaching mission and visual literacy goals of universities. However, in many cases potential users are unaware of how libraries can assist in the implantation and integration of visual resources into curriculum. At the University of New Mexico’s Bunting Visual Resources Library, this challenge was addressed by creating the role of Outreach & Collections Specialist, a position charged with marketing the services and facilities, as well as reaching out to potential new constituents and exploring new methods for collaboration across campus. The author describes her first year in this new position and observes how outreach efforts can best be utilized for academic visual resources libraries.

Author Biography

Heather Kline, University of New Mexico, Bunting Visual Resources Library

Heather Kline received her MLIS degree from the University of Alabama in 2007 and her MA in art history from the University of New Mexico in 2012. She has performed a variety of roles in the field of art information in galleries, museums, and libraries. She was hired in her current position of Outreach & Collections Specialist at Bunting Visual Resources Library in 2012.
