The Ernst Nash - Fototeca Unione Collection and the Project “The Urban Legacy of Ancient Rome”

  • Lavinia Ciuffa American Academy in Rome
Keywords: American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive, ancient architecture, archaeology, topography


The Photographic Archive of the American Academy in Rome has been in existence since 1896, and nowadays consists of over 90,000 images. The majority of the photographs focus on ancient architecture, archaeology and topography, in some cases, providing a unique record of landscapes and monuments which have changed considerably in the last century and a half. The collections have been acquired over the years mainly through donations. They represent an exceptional document of the activity of considerable personalities, master photographers as well as scholars, active from the second half of the nineteenth century (Parker collection), to the beginning of the twentieth century (Moscioni, Van Deman), and more recently (Masson, Bini, Laidlaw collections). All these collections have artifactual value for the history of photography, as well as documentary value for the study and research of their specific subject areas.

Author Biography

Lavinia Ciuffa, American Academy in Rome

Lavinia Ciuffa is the Acting Curator of the Photographic Archive at the American Academy in Rome.

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