Intellectual Property Rights: Film, Pedagogy, and United States Code Title 17

  • Amy Lazet
Keywords: copyright, intellectual property rights (IPR), film, motion pictures, movies, United States Code Title 17, law, summary


This article provides an overview of the United States Code Title 17, Sections 107, 108, and 110 as it relates to copyright and films in learning environments. By providing a summary of only the points that are relevant to pedagogy and the viewing of films, the author seeks to help readers understand what is acceptable according to Title 17 without readers having to wade through the Code themselves. The paper also includes relevant information on the 10% rule and interpretations of Title 17 by such institutions as the American Library Association, and concludes with a brief list of best practices for viewing films in a pedagogical setting.

Author Biography

Amy Lazet

Amy Lazet is the Visual Resources Specialist at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. She has a BA in Art History and Visual Culture from Michigan State University and a Master of Science in Information focusing on preservation of digital information from the University of Michigan. She is also the Production Editor of the Visual Resources Association Bulletin.

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