Slides as Artifacts of Nostalgia: Personal and Professional Ruminations

  • Lael Ensor-Bennett Johns Hopkins University
Keywords: analog, art history, crafting, digitization, nostalgia, slide projectors, students, surrogate images, memory-keeping


The digital revolution is generally perceived to have made 35mm slides obsolete, but somehow along the way, a shift has begun to transform what was viewed as old and defunct to trendy and nostalgic. In this article, I ponder how obsolete physical media, or contemporary substitutions, can disrupt our habitation in the increasingly digital world and bridge our longing for a past remembered or imagined and our desire to instill authenticity in our current moment.

Author Biography

Lael Ensor-Bennett, Johns Hopkins University

Lael Ensor-Bennett is the Curator of the Visual Resources Collection in the History of Art Department at Johns Hopkins University.
