2023 Mid-Year State of the Visual Resources Association

  • John Trendler Scripps College
Keywords: annual report, Executive Board, annual address, Visual Resources Association (VRA), Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF)


During the online VRA Mid-Year Meeting held on Thursday, March 23, 2023, the VRA President updated the membership on recent changes including the merger of the VRA and the VRA Foundation and shifting the annual conference to the fall. The President also highlighted new and ongoing efforts by the Exective Board, committees, and groups. This article provides the transcript.

Author Biography

John Trendler, Scripps College

John Trendler is the Curator of Visual Resources at Scripps College and the President of the Visual Resources Association. At Scripps College, he has served on committees including the Multimedia Literacy Committee and the Claremont College’s Digital Library Advisory Committee and presented in workshops including “Digital Assets in the Classroom” and “Aim to Achieve: Visual Literacy and Special Collections.” From 2003 to 2005 John served as Secretary of the VRA’s Southern California Chapter and between 2007 and 2011 served as Chapter Chair. John joined the VRA’s Executive Board as Public Relations and Communications officer from 2012 to 2016, and as President in 2021.

Association News