Translating Visual to Textual Resources: Editorial and Technological Support for Electronic Publishing

  • Maureen Burns IMAGinED Consulting
Keywords: eScholarship, California Digital Library, electronic publishing, UCI Center for Learning through the Arts and Sciences, Journal for Learning through the Arts, arts integration, bepress, Open Journal Systems (OJS)


This article is an extension of a presentation that occurred at the 2018 College Art Association, Visual Resources Association affiliate session in Los Angeles. The session was entitled, “Shifting Sands: New Trends in Visual Resource Services.” It is a case study based upon the author's personal experience of twelve years working as the production editor for UC Irvine's Journal for Learning through the Arts. It is suggested that visual resources curators are well-positioned to support electronic publishing ventures. With the plethora of online tools supporting digital technology, there are opportunities for visual resources professionals to support more than the use of images at their institutions. Other examples of ways to expand a visual resources toolkit are provided that the author hopes professionals will find translatable to their situations.


The author would like to acknowledge the wisdom and generosity of Professor Liane Brouillette, whose warm supportiveness, from doctoral research to current editorial/project management work has been unflagging.

Author Biography

Maureen Burns, IMAGinED Consulting

Maureen Burns is an information professional with over 30 years of experience developing and managing teaching resources of analog and digital images at UC Irvine, the Getty Villa, and CSULB. Presently working on a consulting basis, through IMAGinED, Burns is handling sales for Archivision and is partnering on a CSU Archives Japanese American history digitization project as well as other image-focused work. With a doctorate in Educational Administration from the UCI/UCLA joint Leadership program, Burns provides editorial support for the electronic Journal for Learning through the Arts and works as a project coordinator for a UCI NSF K-12 arts integration professional development grant. She is currently serving as the Content Editor for the online VRA Bulletin and participating in the work of VRA’s Development and Financial Advisory Committees as well as the VRA Foundation's Regional Workshop Team. She is a past VRA president and past director of the VRA Foundation.

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