Visual Resources Librarian or Digital Library Practitioner? Reflections on the 2015 DLF Forum

  • Andrea Schuler Tufts University
Keywords: digital libraries, conferences, DLF, professional development


In 2015, VRA and the Digital Library Federation (DLF) sponsored the first VRA/DLF Cross-Pollinator Grant to bring a member of VRA to the annual DLF Forum, held in Vancouver from October 26-28. The annual Forum features presentations and panels, workshops, and poster sessions, and is meant to bring together practitioners from a variety of institutions who are interested in the future of digital libraries, museum and archives services, and collections. This report offers reflections on the Forum from Andrea Schuler, the recipient of the 2015 VRA/DLF Cross-Pollinator Grant.

Author Biography

Andrea Schuler, Tufts University

Andrea Schuler is the Librarian for Digital Collections at Tisch Library, Tufts University. Prior to that position, she was the Visual Resources Librarian for Islamic Architecture in the Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries. She received her MLIS from Simmons College.

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