Using the Getty Vocabularies as Linked Open Data in a Cataloging Tool for an Academic Teaching Collection: Case Study at the University of Denver

  • Heather Seneff University of Denver
  • Shea-Tinn Yeh University of Denver
  • Fernando Reyes University of Denver
Keywords: metadata, cataloging, collaboration, vocabularies, Linked Open Data, Semantic Web, agile software development


This case study examines the collaboration of two units at the University of Denver to create a new cataloging tool for the university’s teaching and learning object management system. The Visual Media Director for the School of Art and Art History, the University Library’s Digital Infrastructure and Technology Coordinator, and the Library’s Senior Systems Analyst successfully developed the Art History Metadata Management System (MMS) in 2013. The collaborators were able to harness the power of Linked Open Data (LOD) from vocabularies from the Getty Research Institute and the Library of Congress to facilitate the creation of metadata in MMS. This case study examines LOD in the context of cataloging cultural objects using integrated controlled vocabularies to ensure metadata integrity. This study also demonstrates principles of agile software development that encourage frequent communication contributing to the success of a multi-departmental project.

Author Biographies

Heather Seneff, University of Denver

Heather Seneff is the Director of the Visual Media Center in the School of Art and Art History at the University of Denver.

Shea-Tinn Yeh, University of Denver

Shea-Tinn Yeh is the Library Digital Infrastructure and Technology Coordinator in the University Libraries at the University of Denver.

Fernando Reyes, University of Denver

Fernando Reyes is a Senior Systems Analyst in the University Libraries at the University of Denver.

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